How do you play pickleball is a how do you play pickleball question for those new to the game. But don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it looks. The sport has a short learning curve and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. In this article, we’ll walk you through the basic rules of pickleball and give you some tips for getting started with the game.
The first step in playing pickleball is familiarizing yourself with the court and the scoring system. The game is played on a 44′ by 20′ rectangular court, divided into two sides by a low net. The boundaries of the court are marked by a centerline (along the length of the net on each side), a right and left service area, and a no-volley zone (also known as the kitchen) that spans seven feet on both sides of the net.
Serving Up Fun: Playing Pickleball on a Tennis Court Step by Step
A pickleball serve is struck underhand, either by dropping the ball on the ground and hitting it before it bounces (known as a drop serve) or by tossing the ball in the air and smacking it before it hits the ground (known as a standard serve). It’s important to keep in mind that when serving, you must be below the waistline, and if your serve goes over the net, it’s a fault.
The team that wins the point is awarded a point, and then they must serve again. Games are typically played to 11 points, with a two-point lead, or until one team loses by three points. If you’re looking to get started with the game, come check out our pickleball courts at Pickleballerz! We offer complimentary pickleball paddles for new players.…